Worship Leader Opening
FBC is looking for a part time worship/praise team leader. If you are interested, please contact the church office and send a resume to westforkfbc@yahoo.com
AWANA & Family Meals
AWANA Program and Family Meals
Join us every Wednesday Night at 6:00 PM for meals in the 244 Building followed by Adult Bible Study, Youth Groups and AWANA Program
Valentine Banquet
Sign up at church or in the church office and join us for the annual Churchwide Valentine Banquet Sunday February 16th 5:30 PM
Women's Conference
Mark your calendars for our annual Women's Conference March 7-8 We will be meeting on Friday night, then again on Saturday morning. Andrea Lennon will be leading the Bible Study and Kelly Parks will be leading the praise and worship time. More information will be coming in the next month.